Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)

Intents API Action: register(nodeKey,nodeValue,invocationCallback)

  • nodeValue: Object - the registration value to store in the node.
    • nodeValue.label: String - a title/label to distinguish this application.
    • nodeValue.icon: String - a URL path to an icon to distinguish this application.

Applies to only the Intents API

Registers an application to handle and IWC Intent

To register to handle an intent, the register action is used. When registering an intent handler, two entity properties are used to make choosing a handler easier for the end user:

  1. label: A short string noting the widget handling the intent (typically the widget title).
  2. icon: A url path to a icon to use for the widget.

When a label/icon is not provided, the page title of the widget is used as the label and the icon will default to a predefined default icon.

var config = {
    "label": "My JSON Viewer",
    "icon": ""

var onInvoke = function(payload) {
    return someWidgetFunction(payload);

var viewRef = new iwc.intents.Reference("/application/json/view");
viewRef.register(config, onInvoke);

If the registration node path matches /{minor}/{major}/{action} ("/application/json/view") the handler Id will be generated automatically and returned in the promise resolution.

If the registration node path matches /{minor}/{major}/{action}/{handlerId} ("/application/json/view/123") the handler Id given will be used.

The registration promise resolution does not handle the intent invocation, rather reports the status of the registration:

    "resource": "/application/json/view/3229d7e2"

The resource property of the response is the node that was used for the handler. To unregister simply delete said node:


Responding to the invoker

The callback registered with the register action can return any serialized value (stirng,number,bool,object). The value that is returned will be sent back to the IWC client that called invoke.