Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)


The IWC's utilization of HAL formatted data gathering allows for flexibility in data loading as well as simple integration of future resource content-types.

Each IWC endpoint and its children are expected to serve HAL formatted data. The IWC's HAL parser will walk through _embedded.item properties as well as _links.item properties recursively to load all data associated with an endpoint. When receiving a HAL response, the body of the HAL object associates with the IWC resource created in relation to the response's HREF.

If a link to a resource is provided that was received during the recursive process, the link will not be gathered. This means commonly returned resources can be passed in the _embedded.item field of the HAL data for an endpoint to reduce the amount of AJAX calls.

For example, if the IWC had some endpoint ozp:sample that was loaded with the data below, 3 resources would be handled as embedded resources (/resource1, /resource2, /resource3) and require no additional AJAX request. Two resource paths in the _links.item are not included in the embedded resources (/resource4, /resource5) which would open an AJAX request each to be gathered.

    "item": [
         "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
         "href": "/resource1"
         "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
         "href": "/resource2"
         "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
         "href": "/resource3"
         "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
         "href": "/resource4"
         "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
         "href": "/resource5"
    "self": {
      "href": "/"

    "item": [
        "id": "1cc16131-d013-4dee-bc8c-82ffae60042b",
        "title": "Sample 1",
        "body": "some text."
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
            "href": "/resource1"
        "id": "6f460796-55e0-45c4-924d-ddf54c101efa",
        "title": "Sample 2",
        "body": "some text."
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
            "href": "/resource2"
        "id": "3c46e645-8545-4398-9e6c-822013fbf4a4",
        "title": "Sample 3",
        "body": "some text."
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json",
            "href": "/resource3"



   "self": {
      "href": "/resource3",
      "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json"
  "_embedded": {},
  "id": "a6194bae-3ac7-4641-b0d2-6b0debce64a7",
  "title": "Sample 4",
  "body": "some text."


   "self": {
      "href": "/resource4",
      "type": "application/vnd.ozp.sample+json"
  "_embedded": {},
  "id": "a6194bae-3ac7-4641-b0d2-6b0debce64a7",
  "title": "Sample 5",
  "body": "some text."

As seen in in the sample endpoint data above, all link objects (including nested _links of _embedded resources) have both a href and type property. The IWC requires both properties in all link objects.

property description
href the url path associated with the resource.
type the content-type associated with the resource, will be used in GET request if resource is not embedded.


The type of a IWC Resource is mapped to the node creation process in the IWC. It is important to follow the given schemas for resource types as IWC nodes will not be created if the received data does not match its type.

IWC Schemas do not dictate _embedded resources. A schema only dictates what is in the body of the HAL response (the root of the HAL object) as well as any links needed.

The schema for the example type used above can be found below. It is split into thtrr tables:

1. **Resource**: Properties pertaining to the body of the HAL response.
2. **Links**: Properties pertaining to the `_links` object of the HAL response.



property type description
id String A UUID pertaining to the resource.
title String A title string.
body String A body of text.


property type description
self Object the link object for this resource.
self.href String the url of this resource.
self.type String the content-type of this resource.