Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)

Common API Action: bulkGet()

Applies to All IWC APIs

Retrieves a collection of nodes

In some cases, gathering multiple resources at once is desired. The bulkGet action takes a reference to a partial node path, and returns the values for all of the API's nodes that match.

For example, the Names API has a collection of resources on the various APIs connected to the IWC. These resources are labeled as /api/{address} (/api/data.api, /api/names.api, ...). Referencing the partial path /api/ means that when calling bulkGet, all resource pathed under /api/ will be returned.

var apiRef = new iwc.names.Reference("/api");
var apiMap = {}

    for(var i in values){
        var resource = values[i].resource;
        var apiEntity = values[i].entity;

        apiMap[resource] = apiEntity;

Differance in promise response to other actions

Since this action is doing a lookup with a partial resource path, values of multiple node resources may be returned. In order distinguish which node provided which value, a more detailed response is used when calling bulkGet. Similar to the format of responses in the Comprehensive IWC Requests, bulk get returns an array of full-detail response messages.

While most of the properties in the response packet aren't utilized in general IWC use, two properties of the response are important:

  1. entity - the value of the node.
  2. resource - the path of the node.
         "entity": {
             "actions": [
         "lifespan": {
             "type": "Ephemeral"
         "contentType": "application/vnd.ozp-iwc-api-v1+json",
         "permissions": {},
         "eTag": 1,
         "resource": "/api/data.api",
         "collection": []
         "entity": {
             "actions": [
         "lifespan": {
             "type": "Ephemeral"
         "contentType": "application/vnd.ozp-iwc-api-v1+json",
         "permissions": {},
         "eTag": 1,
         "resource": "/api/names.api",
         "collection": []
     // Omitted additional entries due to size...

Requesting a Bulk Get that Finds no Matching Nodes

While a get request for a node that does not exist returns a noResource error, a bulkGet with a partial key reference that matches no node is a valid action because the IWC checks its nodes without failure. The response would be an empty array:
