Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)

Common API Action: set(value)

  • value: Primitive|Array - the value to store in the node.

Applies to All IWC APIs

Creates/Updates a Given Node

To create or update a node stored in an API the set action is used on the reference to the node. The action is asynchronous, and returns a promise that resolves if successful. No value is returned to the resolved promise.

var fooRef = new"/foo");
fooRef.set("Hello World!");

Creating/Updating a Read-Only Node

Requesting to create/update a node in a read-only API will result in a noPermission error. System API and Names API both contain read-only resources

var myApp = new iwc.system.Reference("/application/com.ozone.myApp");

myApp.set("random value").catch(function(err){
    //err === "noPermission"