Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)

Intents API

Following the idea of android intents. The IWC Intents API allows applications to register to handle certain intents (ex. graphing data, displaying HTML) as well as emit intents to be handled by other applications.

Like android, the IWC Intents api presents the user with a dialog to choose what application should handle their request.

img Widgets in the OZONE Webtop using intents to handle mapping data. The modal opened is Webtop's unique IWC dialog to make intent handler decisions. IWC used outside of Webtop utilizes a popup window to make intent handler decisions.

Accessing the Intents API

The Intents API is accessed through the intents property of a connected IWC Client.

var iwc = new ozpIwc.Client("http://localhost:13000);
var intents = iwc.intents;

Referencing Intents API Nodes

The IWC uses the concept of references when accessing resources. References are objects with auto-generated functionality to perform actions on a given resource.

To create a reference to a resource, use the Reference constructor of the desired api, intents in this case, with a string of the resource path:

var viewRef = new iwc.intents.Reference("/text/plain/view");

Intents API Actions

Action has Callback? Description
get no gathers the node with the specific key
bulkGet no gathers all nodes who's key matches the given partial-key
list no gathers all node keys who match the given partial-key
set no stores the given value to the specified node
delete no deletes the node with the specific key
watch yes gathers the node with the specific key and calls the registered callback on updates to the node
unwatch no unregisters the callback for the node
register yes registers a handler function to a node to be called when invoked by others
invoke no emits an intent to be handled by one registered handler function.
broadcast no emits an intent to be handled by all registered handler function.