Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)

Common API Action: list()

Applies to All IWC APIs

Retrieves a collection of node keys

Much like the bulkGet action, the list action applies to a partial path reference. Any resource path at or below the reference path will be returned. This returns an array of strings, rather than bulkGet that returns the value of the resource as well.

For example, the Names API has a collection of resources on the various APIs connected to the IWC. These resources are labeled as /api/{address} (/api/data.api, /api/names.api, ...).

var apiRef = new iwc.names.Reference("/api/");
var apiPaths;

   var apiPaths = paths

The value of paths, the resolved array of the list request is formatted as follows:


Requesting a List that Finds no Matching Nodes

While a get request for a node that does not exist returns a noResource error, a list with a partial key string that matches no node is a valid action because the IWC checks its nodes without failure. The response would be an empty array:
