
To understand this tutorial, understanding how to create & connect an IWC client is necessary, as well as an understanding of the Data & Intents API. Advanced references are used in this application to aid in references that collect.

This tutorial does not cover the framework used to create the application (AngularJS) nor the styling applied (Bootstrap). The purpose is to show the connectivity of IWC to the applications components. The code has been generalized, the actual angular application can be found here

Location Lister

The Location Lister Application

The Location Lister is one of the example apps hosted on the homepage of the IWC website. It is an application that allows users to store GPS coordinates along with any useful description data they may choose. If this application was ran on a private IWC bus (not the github hosted IWC), it could persist the users entries beyond their current session.

This application performs the following tasks:

  • Create a location entry (GPS coordinate, description, and name)
  • Edit a location entry
  • Delete a location entry
  • Dynamically list all location entries

With a mapping application open as well, this application performs the following tasks:

  • Plot a location on the selected map.

With an analyzing application open as well, this application performs the following tasks:

  • Send a location to be analyzed.

Dynamically List Locations

The Location Lister List of Locations Data gathered by the /locationLister/listings reference (collection enabled)

The Location Lister application stores its locations by storing a pairing of a reference and a value locally.

To initialize the applications set of locations, a reference is generated to the parent resource of all the location data, /locationLister/listings, with the advanced option collect set to true to allow this reference to receive updates about created/destroyed locations (when registering a watch).

// Location List: a collection of Locations
// IWC References (Uses in this application):
// API: Data
// Resource: /locationLister/listings/*
// Collects: none
function LocationList(resource) {
  this.reference = new iwc.data.Reference(resource, {
    collect: true
  this.addLocation = this.reference.addChild;
  this.locations = {};
  var self = this;

  var handleCollection = function(collection) {
    collection.forEach(function(resource) {
      if (!self.locations[resource]) {
        self.locations[resource] = new Location(resource);

  var onCollectionChange = function(changes) {

  // Watch For new locations added to the collection
  // Get the initial collection

var locationList = new LocationList('/locationLister/listings');

Disecting the above code:

  • The reference generated to watch and gather the list of locations is stored as a property of the LocationList object,locationList.

  • locationList.reference adds the watch callback onCollectionChange to handle changes to the collection.

  • locationList.reference gets the initial collection with the list action.

  • When the collection of locations (resources pathed below /locationLister/listings/ in the Data API) changes, if there is a new location, a Location is created and added to locationList.locations.

  • LocationList ties its reference's addChild method to addLocation for simple additions to its collection.

List Location Structure

A Location Lister Location

// Location
// IWC References (Uses in this application):
// API: Data
// Resource: /locationLister/listings/<AutoGenerated ID>
// Collects: none
function Location(resource) {
  this.reference = new iwc.data.Reference(resource);
  this.resource = resource;
  this.update = this.reference.set;
  this.delete = this.reference.delete;
  this.value = {};
  var self = this;

  var onChange = function(changes) {
    self.value = changes.newValue;

  this.reference.watch(onChange).then(function(val) {
    self.value = val;

Disecting the above code: * Each Location contains a reference to its location's resource.

  • Each Location when constructed, registers a watch callback to update its value property whenever the resource changes.

  • Each Location gets an initial state of its resource when constructed, because the watch promise resolves with the current state of the resource.

  • Each Location will clear itself should its resource be deleted. This is because the changes.newValue that is passed to the onChange callback will equal undefined when the resource is deleted. Additionally changes.deleted will be set to true, but not utilized in this demonstration.

  • Each Location ties simple function names to its reference:

    • update calls reference.set
    • delete calls reference.delete

Create, Edit, and Delete Locations

The Location Lister Location Operations

Add Location

// Called when the "Add Location" button is pressed
// Opens popup modal, resolves with the input data.
// Autogenerates the resouce in the locationList collection.
var addListing = function(location) {
  return locationModal(location).then(function(output) {

    return locationList.addLocation(output.listing).catch(function(e) {

When the Add Listing button is pressed: * A UI modal is opened (not part of IWC) that resolves with the data that will be stored in the new IWC Data Api resource.

  • The locationList from the above section uses the addChild method to store this new data within the listingsRef collection (the exact resource path is autogenerated). This triggers the watch callback in the Dynamically List Locations section to update the list (on all open Location Lister applications) with a new Location.

Edit Location

// Called when "Edit" is clicked.
var editLocation = function(location) {
  if (location) {
    locationModal(location.value).then(function(output) {
      // Use the location's reference to update the resource

When a location is selected and the Edit button is pressed: * The Loction that is currently selected is passed to the editLocation function.

  • The value is passed to the popup modal for editing. When resolved, the location's update method is called. (Alias to reference.set)

  • The Location receives the updated data in its value because of its watch callback.

Delete Location


When a location is selected and the Delete button is pressed, the locations delete method is called. (Alias to reference.delete)

Intent Use

The Location Lister uses 3 intent resources:

  • Outgoing
    • /json/coord/map: Sends the path of a Location resource for another application to map.
    • /json/coord/analyze: Sends the coordinates of a Location for another application to analyze.
  • Incoming
    • /json/coord/save: Registers to receive formated coordinate data and creates Locations to add to the list.

To simplify UI tie-ins, the Location Lister application wraps the creation of Intents API references into a class called Intent.

// Intent: A wrapper for invoking remote functions
//         as well as tracking the number of
//         matching functions.
function Intent(resource) {
  // collection enabled to tie # of handlers to the UI
  this.reference = new iwc.intents.Reference(resource, {
    collect: true
  this.run = this.reference.invoke;
  this.register = this.reference.register;
  this.handlers = [];

  var self = this;

  var handleCollection = function(collection) {
    self.handlers = collection;

  var onCollectionChange = function(changes) {

  // Watch for updates the the collection
  // Get initial collection

An instance of Intent contains:

  • A reference to the specified Intents API resource.

  • Encapsulated logic for tracking the number of available handlers for the intent in its handlers property. This is done by using the watch/list functionality as used on the LocationLister above.

  • Simplified method names:

    • run ties to reference.invoke for calling the remote functionality
    • register ties to reference.register for registering a function for remote use. ***

Outgoing Intents


The Location Lister Intent Count As explained above, the local class Intent keeps track of its handlers, so visually displaying the number of applications open to map/analyze is done by accesing the Intent instance's handlers.length.


The Location Lister Outbound Intents With the local class Intent having a run method tied to reference.invoke, invoking a map intent is done with: js var map = new Intent("/json/coord/map"); map.invoke("/locationLister/Listing/123")

The /json/coord/map intent is specified to receive a data api resource path in order to allow the map to watch for changes and update the position. If a location is mapped to the Location Mapper, then edited, the change will be reflected on the map.

The /json/coord/analze intent is relies only on the coordinate data of the location, so it does not accept the data api resource path rather an object containing the location coordinates: js { lat: 1, long: 12 }

While the Location Lister does not expect any results on its intent invocations, an intent invocation will resolve with a result if the registered handling function returns a value.

Inbound Intents

The Location Lister registers to handle saving location data.

// Save Intent (Register for Remotes)
var save = new Intent("/json/coord/save");

var metaData = {
  icon: "http://some.website.io/iconPath.png",
  label: "Location Lister"

// The functionality to share. Opens the modal for saving the received location.
var saveLocation = function(location) {
  if (location && location.title && location.coords) {

    // Returns the new Location resource path to the invoker when finished
    return addListing(location);
save.register(metaData, saveLocation);

The registration takes 2 parts:

  1. Meta Data: the intent is registered with an icon and label. In the event that multiple handlers are registered for /json/coord/save the user will be prompted with a popup and this meta data distinguishes each handler.
  2. Handler: the function that is ran to handle the saving.

In this application a modal is opened with the received data for the user to save, and upon saving the invoker of the intent (the application that calls invoke) the output.

The output of the saveLocation handler is the Data Api path to the new Location that was made. This is used by the Location Analyzer to gather information about the new Location it helped create.