
Sharing Data with the Data API

The most common use of the IWC in applications is sharing data resources among applications. The IWC varies from the various publish/subscribe libraries available in javascript because of the following 3 key components:

  1. Cross-Domain Support: The IWC was developed in a way to gracefully handle cross-domain sharing. This means applications hosted on different domains can interact.
  2. State driven: Unlike the typical publish/subscribe pattern, IWC retains state when using the set action. This means when a subscribing application is opened, it can gather the last value set (published).
  3. (Optional) State Persistence: The IWC has tie-ins for persisting resources beyond the working session by storing their value to a server. Further information on configuring a backend for state persistence to follow in a future tutorial.

Accessing the Data API Resources

Covered in the Using References tutorial, an IWC client is needed to access the Data API, and to access a resource of the Data API a reference is used.

 var iwc = new ozpIwc.Client("http://ozoneplatform.github.io/ozp-iwc");
 var fooRef = new client.data.Reference("/foo");

Data API Reference Functionality (actions)

References of Data API resources have a set of functions that are linked to the resource. In IWC terminology, these functions are called actions, as it is some behavior that can modify the state of an application. These actions were covered in the previous reference tutorial, but the actions are defined below.

action description
set Stores a value to a given resource path.
get Retrieves a value from a given resource path.
delete Removes a value from a given resource path.
watch Calls a callback function any time the resource path value changes.

Each action returns a promise that is resolved when the IWC acknowledges the request. The acknowledgement returns the state of the resource if it is a read action (get,watch). A watch action will also have a callback that is called separately upon state change of a resource.

Actions have a handful of options that can be passed with them, for the purpose of this tutorial we will only be covering the entity option, which is the value being passed/received from a resource. Further tutorials on the various

Set: storing data

To store a value in a resource, the set action of the reference is used.


parameter type description
value Primative or Array The value to store in the resource.


A promise that resolves with the value of the resource set, or rejects with the reason (string) for failure.

Get: retrieving data

To retrieve a resource, regardless of the origin it was set in, the get action is used on the reference.


The get action takes no parameters.


A promise that resolves with the value of the resource upon retrieval. Or rejects with the reason (string) for failure.

Delete: removing data


The delete action takes no parameters.


A promise that resolves with no value when successful, or rejects with the reason (string) for failure.