Collections of Resources
In the last tutorial, Resource Structure, the concept of abstracting resource data and its benefits were conveyed. The IWC collection actions utilize the naming structure of IWC resources to open up multi-resource based actions.
A Collection in the IWC is a group of resources that relate to some parent resource. Resources are related to the parent if they are pathed below the parent.
As an example, the following resources exist in a hypothetical IWC Bus's Data API:
The collection that relates to /shoppingCart
The collection that relates to /shoppingCart/bestBuy
Collection Actions
The IWC has one main collection-based action, list. Additionally the watch action demonstrated earlier in these tutorials has advanced capabilities to watch for changes in collection.
Calling the list action of a reference gathers a list of all the resources that pertain to a resource. The gathered list is an array of the resource paths, not their values. In order to promote reference-linking, the resource paths that are retrieved can be used to generate references.
The list action takes no parameters.
A promise that resolves with the an array of the resource paths that make up the resource's collection , or rejects with the reason (string) for failure.
Watch (with a configured reference)
If a reference is configured to enable collecting, its watch callbacks can receive notification for its resource if a resource was added to (generated) or removed from (deleted) its collection.
Reference Configuration
The tutorials up until now have been using non-configured references, in most use-cases references will not have to be configured. A reference configuration is a setting applied to the reference that alters its behavior. This concept is covered in more detail in the Reference Configuration section of the advanced tutorials.
Reference Configuration for Watched Collections
In order to receive change notifications about a resource's collection, a reference must be configured, this is done in one of two ways:
1) Configuring the Reference on Creation
var fooRef = new"/shoppingCart",{collect:true});
2) Updating the Reference Settings
fooRef.updateDefaults({collect: true});
In both approaches, the collect
flag of the reference is updated to true. This
has to be done functionally to update the reference internal functionality.
If a Mixture of both Watch Behaviors is Desired in a Given Application for a Resource
Simply create two separate references:
var fooRef = new"/shoppingCart");
var fooCollectRef ="/shoppingCart",{collect:true});
// Notified of value changes of /shoppingCart;
// Notified of collection and value changes of /shoppingCart;