
Registering an Intent on the Intents API

Registering an intent handler means to share some functionality of an application with other applications.

Before registering a handler, refer to the following frequently asked questions:

What is the /type/sub-type of my expected data?

The /type/sub-type of an intent handler specifies the required data schema of your intent. When defining an intent handler, if public utilization of your application is desired, utilize a community-driven /type/sub-type path.

If your intent use is private to your applications, utilize /application/{uniqueName}, where {uniqueName} is some dot-separated unique name for your private use (ex. com.ozp.myApps).

Documentation on public /type/sub-type paths are developed based on community support. As the IWC is in its infant years of use, if you can't find documentation on your desired data type, it is very well possible you are the first to use it. Open an issue with the data type/subtype, proposed schema, and a description. The IWC Community Intent Book is a community driven set of data type documents used as a centralized resource for developers.

What is the Action this Function Handles?

The action is the verb of the handler, it should be a single word describing what the intent handler does (print, graph, map, ect). As stated above, check the Community Intent Book for community-driven formatting and actions.

What if the /type/sub-type/action I want to use is already in the Community Intent Book?

This is ideal! If your desired /type/sub-type/action exists in the Community Intent Book, this does not mean your application isn't desired. This means the functionality you would like to produce has been developed by others. If their functionality doesn't meet your needs or you would like your own version, as long as you maintain the defined data schema, then developers and users can use your application interchangeably.

Don't agree with a defined format? If you have supporting reason to modify the schema open an issue and address the creator of the format. If there is enough community support it will be considered for modification. This will push the new data type to a versioned name (ex. /json/location/ would become /json/location;version=2).

Accessing Intents Api Resources

To register a function, a reference to the Intents Api resource from the client is needed. This follows the same format as the Data Api, the intents reference can come from the same client object as data references.

var iwc = new ozpIwc.Client("http://ozoneplatform.github.io/ozp-iwc");
var functionRef = iwc.intents.Reference("/application/json/print");

Register: sharing a function


parameter type description
metaData Object An object of informative data pertaining to the shared function.
metaData.icon String A URL path to an Icon to use as metadata for the intent.
metaData.label Object A Title unique to the registered application.
callback Function The function to call with the type/sub-type matching data.


A promise that resolves with no value if registration is successful, rejects with the reason (string) if fails to register.


The callback receives 2 parameters:

property type description
reply Primitive or Array The value of the intent invocation to be handled.
done Function A function to call to stop handling intent requests. Useful for conditionally stopping intent handling.

The return value of the callback is returned to the intent invoker. This means when developing an application, if there is some complex computation an application can share that other applications can utilize (complex sorting for example), returning the result value in the handler function means other applications receive the output and can leverage the shared functionality.

Invoking: calling an intent function

Invoking an intent function across the IWC is done with the invoke action on a reference to the intent action (/json/all/prettyPrint) or the handler (/json/all/prettyPrint/io.codepen.kevin-k). It is covered in its own tutorial. For purpose of seeing the above code snippet work, click the button on the example below.