Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)

API Responses

Since the IWC operates asynchronously, all requests receive a response sent back to a client that resolves the actions promise.

The promise structure is as follows:


The then of the promise receives a formatted response object. The contents of the response res are as follows:

Property Type Description
response String The result of the request. "ok" means a successful operation.
entity Object The payload of the response. If an action is to return data it will be in this object.
src String The sender of the message.
dst String The receiver of the message.
pattern String A string pattern set to the node to compile its collection of other relevant nodes when watched.
collection Array An array of node keys matching this node's pattern , this only updated if the node is being watched.
ver Number The version of the node.
time Number Epoch time representation of when the response was generated.
msgId String Each data transmission through the IWC is labeled with a unique message identifier. The bus keeps track of message identifiers so that components know to whom they should reply.
replyTo String The message identifier of the request that this response was sent because of.

Response Types

The following table breaks down the response property of the object passed back to the promises then, catch, or registered callback:

Response Occurs When Reason
ok Promise resolves or registered callback called. Action was performed as expected
changed Registered callback for a watch action called. A node has changed after a watch request was issued. The entity contains fields "newValue" and "oldValue" fields that of the indicated contentType.If the node was deleted, "newValue" will be undefined. If the node was created, "oldValue" will be null.
badResource Promise rejects. The node was not semantically valid for this API.
badAction Promise rejects. The action property of the request is not valid in this API.
badPermission Promise rejects. The permission property of the request was not valid.
noPermission Promise rejects. Sender does not have permission to perform the requested action.
noMatch Promise rejects. A conditional action failed.

NOTE: This guide uses the then and catch resolution/rejection's of promises only as needed to demonstrate use. If they are not demonstrated in an example that does not mean they are not useable. All actions will resolve/reject with the response received from the Bus.

Response Example

The variable foo contains the value stored at /foo once the api request receives its response.

var dataApi =;

var foo;

    foo = res.entity;

The value of res, the resolved object of the list request, is formatted as follows:

        'bar': "buzz"

response: Seeing a response of 'ok' is indication that the request was handled without error.

src: The origin of the response. With the request to get the node /foo sent to the Data API, the response was generated and sent from the Data API module.

dst: The destination of the response. Each IWC client is assigned a unique address local to the IWC Bus. This address designates who should receive the data being transmitted.

entity: The value of the node. In this case, /foo holds { 'bar': "buzz"}

pattern: A string pattern set to the node to compile its collection of other relevant nodes when watched.

collection: An array of node keys matching this node's pattern , this only updated if the node is being watched.

ver: The version of the node. Whenever the value of /foo changes, ver will increment.

time: Epoch time representation of when the response was generated.

msgId: Each data transmission through the IWC is labeled with a unique message identifier. The Bus keeps track of message identifiers so that components know to whom they should reply.

replyTo: The message identifier of the request that this response was sent because of.