Inter-Widget Communication (IWC)

Error Handling

Not all requests are valid. In the event that a request cannot be handled, or should not be allowed, the promise will reject. This allows for a clean separation for error handling. The value of errRes follows the same format of a valid api response (see API Responses).

Error Example

In this example a get request is sent, but no node was specified in the get action call ( dataApi.get() )

var dataApi =;

var foo;

    foo = res.entity;
    // handle the error here.

Because of this, the response will be in the catch because it was a failed request. Further information about why the request failed can be found in the response field of errRes.

NOTE: If supporting IE 8, catch is a keyword and cannot be used. In this situation replacing catch with ['catch'] will prevent IE 8 from failing. See snippit below:

    foo = res.entity;
    // handle the error here.